Pairwise Distance


Pairwise Distance


Amino acid substitution matrices (i.e., BLOSUM62) are used by tcrdist2 to find the highest scoring alignment between two CDRs. Once the alignment is determined different tcrdistance metrics exist for estimating a distance between the two sequences.


‘Legacy tcrdist’ refers to the algorithms used in the Dash et al. 2016 paper: “The mismatch distance is defined based on the BLOSUM62 substitution matrix as follows: distance (a, a) = 0; distance (a, b) = min (4, 4-BLOSUM62 (a, b)), where 4 is 1 unit greater than the most favourable BLOSUM62 score for a mismatch, and a and b are amino acids. This has the effect of reducing the mismatch distance penalty for amino acids with positive (that is, favourable) BLOSUM62 scores (for example,: dist(I, V) = 1; dist(D, E) = 2; dist(Q, K) = 3), where I, V, D, E, Q and K are the single letter amino acid codes for isoleucine, valine, aspartate, glutamate, glutamine and lysine, respectively. A gap penalty of 4 (8 for the CDR3) is used as the distance between a gap position and an amino acid. To account for the greater role of the CDR3 regions in peptide recognition and offset the larger number (3) of non-CDR3 loops, a weight of 3 is applied to mismatches in the CDR3s.”

TCRdist for Prediction

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tcrdist as td

from tcrdist import mappers
from tcrdist.repertoire import TCRrep

tcrdist_clone_fn = 'mouse_pairseqs_v1_parsed_seqs_probs_mq20_clones.tsv'
tcrdist_clone_df = pd.read_csv(tcrdist_clone_fn, sep = "\t")

mapping = mappers.tcrdist_clone_df_to_tcrdist2_mapping
tcrdist2_df = mappers.generic_pandas_mapper(df = tcrdist_clone_df,
                                            mapping = mapping)

tr = TCRrep(cell_df = tcrdist2_df, organism = "mouse")

tr.infer_cdrs_from_v_gene(chain = 'alpha', imgt_aligned=True)
tr.infer_cdrs_from_v_gene(chain = 'beta',  imgt_aligned=True)

tr.index_cols = ['clone_id', 'subject', 'epitope',
                 'v_a_gene',  'j_a_gene', 'v_b_gene', 'j_b_gene',
                 'cdr3_a_aa', 'cdr3_b_aa',
                 'cdr1_a_aa', 'cdr2_a_aa', 'pmhc_a_aa',
                 'cdr1_b_aa', 'cdr2_b_aa', 'pmhc_b_aa',
                 'cdr3_b_nucseq', 'cdr3_a_nucseq',
                 'va_countreps', 'ja_countreps',
                 'vb_countreps', 'jb_countreps',
                 'va_gene', 'vb_gene',
                 'ja_gene', 'jb_gene']



distA = tr.dist_a
distB = tr.dist_b
assert np.all(((distA + distB) - tr.paired_tcrdist) == 0)

pr = namedtuple("perf", ["observed", "predicted", "dist"])
obsereved = tr.clone_df.epitope.to_list()
performance = list()

k = 5
for i,row in tr.clone_df.iterrows():
    ind = (tr.clone_df.subject != row.subject)                          # Index hold out all data from that subject
    distances = tr.paired_tcrdist[i,ind]                                # Get Distances from the ith row, holding out subject
    sorted_indices = np.argsort(distances)                              # Get index of storted distances small to large
    sorted_epitopes = tr.clone_df.epitope.iloc[sorted_indices].to_list()# Get epitopes associated wtih those indices
    sorted_distances =  distances[sorted_indices]                       # Get distances associated with those neighbors
    predicted = sorted_epitopes[0:k]                                    # Get Predicted epitopes for K nearest neighbors
    predicted_distance = sorted_distances[0:k]                          # Get distances for K nearest neighbots
    performance.append(pr(obsereved[i], predicted, predicted_distance)) # Save Performance Information

#  [perf(observed='PA', predicted=['PA', 'm139', 'NP', 'PB1', 'M45'], dist=array([132., 150., 153., 165., 171.])),
#  perf(observed='PA', predicted=['m139', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA'], dist=array([36., 42., 48., 60., 66.])),
#  perf(observed='PA', predicted=['PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA'], dist=array([33., 38., 42., 42., 54.])),
#  perf(observed='PA', predicted=['NP', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA'], dist=array([84., 84., 90., 90., 96.])),
#  perf(observed='PA', predicted=['PA', 'M38', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA'], dist=array([84., 84., 84., 84., 84.])),
#  perf(observed='PA', predicted=['PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA'], dist=array([24., 30., 32., 42., 45.])),
#  perf(observed='PA', predicted=['PA', 'M45', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA'], dist=array([ 0., 53., 54., 56., 56.])),
#  perf(observed='PA', predicted=['NP', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA'], dist=array([116., 116., 116., 126., 126.])),
#  perf(observed='PA', predicted=['PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA', 'PA'], dist=array([15., 32., 33., 51., 51.]))]