Saving Your Work

In contrast to the original tcrdist code, which wrote out a series of intermediate flat files, tcrdist2 uses Pandas DataFrames and NumPy objects, which are associated with tcrdist2 classes and held in memory.

Certain steps in the pipeline, such as the calculation of pairwise distances and search for candidate cdr3 motifs can take time to compute. This page documents methods for saving computed tcrdist2 objects for later use.


Archive a TCRrep instance with tcrdist.repertoire.TCRrep.archive().

tr = TCRrep(tcrdist2_df , organism = "mouse")
tr.archive(dest = "default_archive", dest_tar_name = "default_archive.tar.gz")


You can recreate a TCRrep instance from an archive.tar.gz file using tcrdist.repertoire.TCRrep.rebuild()

tr_new = TCRrep(cell_df = pd.DataFrame(), organism = "mouse")
tr_new.rebuild(dest_tar_name = "default_archive.tar.gz")


tcrdist.repertoire.TCRrep.archive() creates a archive which provides pairwise-matrices in .csv and .npy and .feather formats. For large datasets, consider manually archiving only the objects of the TCRrep instance that you care about. tcrdist.repertoire.TCRrep.archive() and tcrdist.repertoire.TCRrep.rebuild() depend on the package zipdist. More information on zipdist can be found on PyPI.

Reduce File Size

Most tcrdistances can be expressed as integers without loss of information. The int16 data type, native to numpy, is a choice that can reduce the file size of a saved TCRrep instance.

To convert numpy arrays with float64 data to arrays with int16 data storage, use tcrdist.repertoire.TCRrep.reduce_file_size():

tr.reduce_file_size(data_type = "int16")

Flat Files

Individual elements stored in the TCRrep class can be saved to text files directly. (For DataFrame, see pandas.DataFrame.to_csv() and for numpy arrays, see: numpy.savetxt())



READ: TCRrep instances and their contents can be pickled. That’s good. But pickling is cursed! That’s bad. In fact, we advise against using pickle for long-term storage of complex objects. This is because future versions of tcrdist2 may not recognize pickled files made from a prior version!!! But the pickle comes with your choice of toppings. That’s good. But the toppings are also cursed

If you wish to pickle a TCRrep instance (caveat emptor):


To get it back:

import pickle
tr3 = pickle.load(open("TCRrep_file.p", "rb"))
{x : np.all(getattr(tr, x) == getattr(tr3, x)) for x in tr.__dict__.keys()}