Quick-Start Example

The Quick-Start Example illustrates some of the flexibility of tcrdist2.

See the Detailed Example for similar material with more complete explanations of the step-wise procedure and TCRrep class.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import parasail

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

import tcrdist as td
from tcrdist import mappers
from tcrdist.repertoire import TCRrep
from tcrdist.vis_tools import bostock_cat_colors, cluster_viz

Preliminary Steps

Load, Format, and Subset the Data

pd_df = pd.read_csv("vdjDB_PMID28636592.tsv", sep = "\t")       # 1
t_df = td.mappers.vdjdb_to_tcrdist2(pd_df = pd_df)              # 2
t_df.organism.value_counts                                      # 3
index_mus = t_df.organism == "MusMusculus"                      # 4
t_df_mus = t_df.loc[index_mus,:].copy()                         # 5
  1. Read the .tsv data file into a pandas DataFrame.
  2. Call tcrdist.mappers.vdjdb_to_tcrdist2() to select and rename the appropriate columns.
  3. The data has both human and mouse TCRs, which can’t be combined in a single repertoire.
  4. Index the sequences that come from MusMusculus (mouse).
  5. Create a copy of the subset DataFrame t_df, including only mouse TCRs: t_df_mus.

tr1 - Initialize the Repertoire

tr1 = TCRrep(cell_df = t_df_mus, organism = "mouse")             # 6
tr1.infer_cdrs_from_v_gene(chain = 'alpha')                      # 7
tr1.infer_cdrs_from_v_gene(chain = 'beta')                       # 8
tr1.index_cols =['epitope',                                      # 9
tr1.deduplicate()                                                # 10
tcrdist.repertoire.TCRrep for <Your TCR Repertoire Project>
 with index_cols: ['epitope', 'subject', 'cdr3_a_aa', 'cdr1_a_aa', 'cdr2_a_aa', 'pmhc_a_aa', 'cdr3_b_aa', 'cdr1_b_aa', 'cdr2_b_aa', 'pmhc_b_aa']
 with model organism: mouse

Detailed explanations of the steps shown above can be found in Example 1

  1. Create an instance of the tcrdist.repertoire.TCRrep class initialized with the t_df_mus DataFrame.
  2. Use tcrdist.repertoire.TCRrep.infer_cdrs_from_v_gene() to populate CDR1, CDR2 and pMHC loop fields.
  3. Repeat step 7, with chain set to ‘beta’.
  4. Specify index columns. Any sequence identical across all the index columns will be grouped at the following step. The count field keeps track of the number of identical clones (which may occur during clonal expansion)
  5. Call tcrdist.repertoire.TCRrep.deduplicate() to remove duplicates and create the tcrdist.repertoire.TCRrep.clone_df DataFrame.

Compute Hamming Distance Based Distances

tr1.compute_pairwise_all(chain = "alpha",                         # 11
                        metric = "hamming",
                        processes = 6,
                        matrix = parasail.blosum62)

tr1.compute_pairwise_all(chain = "beta",                          # 12
                        metric = "hamming",
                        processes = 6,
                        matrix = parasail.blosum62)
  1. with metric argument is set to either ‘hamming’, ‘nw’ or ‘custom’, tcrdist2 uses python’s multiprocessing package to parallelize pairwise distance computation.
  2. Repeat the previous step setting chain argument to ‘beta’.

How to Calculate a tcrdist

Once region based pairwise comparison have been generated with compute_pairwise_all( ), there are two ways to compute a tcrdist with user defined weights.

Method 1. One can simply access individual pairwise matrices after compute_pairwise_all( ). Because the dimensions are row order in clone_df. Individual pairewise matrices from different regions can be combined, and weighted:

# tcrdist1 = (cdr3_alpha)
  tcrdist1 = tr1.cdr3_a_aa_pw

# tcrdist2 =  3*(cdr3_alpha)     + 3*(cdr4_beta)
  tcrdist2   =  3 * tr1.cdr3_a_aa_pw  + 3 * trd.cdr3_b_aa_pw

# tcrdist3   3*(cdr3_alpha)        + 3*(cdr4_beta)        + 1*(cdr1_alpha)       + 1*(cdr1_beta)
  tcrdist3 = 3 * tr1.cdr3_a_aa_pw  + 3 * trd.cdr3_b_aa_pw + 1 * trd.cdr1_a_aa_pw + 1 * trd.cdr1_b_aa_pw

Method 2. Alternatively use the builtin function .compute_paired_tcrdist( ) with a dictionary of weights:

# tcrdist1
weights1 =

{'cdr3_a_aa_pw': 3,'cdr3_b_aa_pw': 0,
 'cdr2_a_aa_pw': 0,'cdr2_b_aa_pw': 0,
 'cdr1_a_aa_pw': 0,'cdr1_b_aa_pw': 0,
 'pmhc_a_aa_pw': 0,'pmhc_b_aa_pw': 0}

# or
# tcrdist2
weights2 =
{'cdr3_a_aa_pw': 3,'cdr3_b_aa_pw': 3,
 'cdr2_a_aa_pw': 0,'cdr2_b_aa_pw': 0,
 'cdr1_a_aa_pw': 0,'cdr1_b_aa_pw': 0,
 'pmhc_a_aa_pw': 0,'pmhc_b_aa_pw': 0}

# or
# tcrdist3
weights3 =
{'cdr3_a_aa_pw': 3,'cdr3_b_aa_pw': 0,
 'cdr2_a_aa_pw': 0,'cdr2_b_aa_pw': 0,
 'cdr1_a_aa_pw': 1,'cdr1_b_aa_pw': 1,
 'pmhc_a_aa_pw': 0,'pmhc_b_aa_pw': 0}

tcrdist1 = tr.compute_paired_tcrdist(replacement_weights = weights1, store_result = True)
tcrdist2 = tr.compute_paired_tcrdist(replacement_weights = weights2, store_result = True)
tcrdist3 = tr.compute_paired_tcrdist(replacement_weights = weights3, store_result = True)

When using the builtin method (store_result = True) the tcrdist matrices and weights can be accessed later:


Hamming Distance Based tcrdists

tcrdist : CDR3_alpha (Hamming Distance)

tcrdist1a  = pd.DataFrame(tr1.cdr3_a_aa_pw)
            "cdr3_a (Hamming Distance)")
/Users/kmayerbl/anaconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/seaborn/matrix.py:603: ClusterWarning: scipy.cluster: The symmetric non-negative hollow observation matrix looks suspiciously like an uncondensed distance matrix

tcrdist : CDR3_beta (Hamming Distance)

tcrdist1b  = pd.DataFrame(tr1.cdr3_b_aa_pw )
            "cdr3_b (Hamming Distance)")

tcrdist : CDR3_alpha + CDR3_beta (Hamming Distance)

tcrdist2  = pd.DataFrame(tr1.cdr3_a_aa_pw + tr1.cdr3_b_aa_pw )
            "cdr3_a + cdr3_b (Hamming Distance)")

tcrdist : CDR3_alpha + CDR3_beta + Other CDR Regions (Hamming Distance)

tcrdist3 = pd.DataFrame(tr1.compute_paired_tcrdist(store_result= False)['paired_tcrdist'])
            "All Regions (Hamming Distance)")

CDR3_alpha + CDR3_beta + Other CDR Regions (Weighted Hamming Distance)

tcrdist3w = tr1.compute_paired_tcrdist(store_result= False,
                                     replacement_weights = {'cdr3_a_aa_pw': 3,
                                                            'cdr3_b_aa_pw': 3})
tcrdist = pd.DataFrame(tcrdist3w['paired_tcrdist'])
            "All Regions (Weighted Hamming Distance)")

Substitution Matrix Based Distance Scores

It is at the .compute_pairwise_all( ) step that the choice of distance metric is specified. When the method is specified as ‘nw’ a reciprocal alignment score is calculated which is function of the subsitution matrix used to score the optimal alignment (see more explanation in example 1).

tr1.compute_pairwise_all(chain = "alpha",                         # 11
                        metric = "nw",
                        processes = 6,
                        matrix = parasail.blosum62)

tr1.compute_pairwise_all(chain = "beta",                          # 12
                        metric = "nw",
                        processes = 6,
                        matrix = parasail.blosum62)

CDR3_alpha + CDR3_beta + Other CDR Regions (Weighted NW Sub Matrix Based Distance)

tcrdist = tr1.compute_paired_tcrdist(store_result= False,
                                     replacement_weights = {'cdr3_a_aa_pw': 3,
                                                            'cdr3_b_aa_pw': 3})
tcrdist = pd.DataFrame(tcrdist['paired_tcrdist'])
            "All Regions (Weighted NW Distance)")

tcrdist2 Can Parallelize Custom Metrics

Suppose you Imagine Some Metric

def hydrophobic_custom_metric(s1, s2):

    s1 = s1.upper()
    s2 = s2.upper()

    # Types of Amino Acids
    # positive_charged = ["R", "H", "K"]

    # negative_charged = ["D","E"]

    # polar_side_chain = ["S", "T", "N", "Q"]

    # special_cases    = ["C", "U", "G", "P"]

    hydrophobes      = ["A", "I", "L", "M", "W", "Y", "V"]

    # count the number of hydrophobic amino acids in s1
    h1 = np.sum([x in hydrophobes for x in list(s1)])

    # count the number of hydrophobic amino acids in s2
    h2 = np.sum([x in hydrophobes for x in list(s2)])

    # calculate the absolute difference in hydrophobic amino acids
    hydrophobic_absolute_dif = abs(h1-h2)

    return int(hydrophobic_absolute_dif)

It can be passed to compute_pairwise_all( )

tr1.compute_pairwise_all(chain = "alpha",                          # 12
                         metric = "custom", # <----------- set metric to custom
                         processes = 6,
                         user_function = hydrophobic_custom_metric) # <----------- supply your custom function

tr1.compute_pairwise_all(chain = "beta",                          # 12
                         metric = "custom", # <----------- set metric to custom
                         processes = 6,
                         user_function = hydrophobic_custom_metric) # <----------- supply your custom function
tcrdist  = pd.DataFrame(tr1.cdr3_b_aa_pw)
            "cdr3_b (Hydrophobic Diff Metric)")
tcrdist  = pd.DataFrame(tr1.cdr3_a_aa_pw)
            "cdr3_a (Hydrophobic Diff Metric)")