Complete Example


This page illustrates the integration of features within tcrdist2. There are two major object classes of tcrdist2 that are exposed to the user:

  • TCRrep tcrdist.repertoire.TCRrep - specifies metric and computes distances between members of a TCR repertoire
  • TCRsubset tcrdist.subset.TCRsubset - analyzes epitope specificity for a specific subset of a TCR repertoire

On this page, rather than delve into the thicket of options available in tcrdist2, we focus on one instructive example that illustrates the integration of the program’s major features. We reserve more detailed explanations for separate sections.


A note on the syntax used in the following coded examples: we instantiate instances of TCRrep, and TCRsubset classes as tr and ts respectively.

Load tcrdist2

import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tcrdist as td

from tcrdist import mappers
from tcrdist.repertoire import TCRrep
from tcrdist.cdr3_motif import TCRMotif
from tcrdist.subset import TCRsubset
from import StoreIOMotif, StoreIOEntropy
from tcrdist.plotting import plot_pwm

Example Data

This example uses the mouse clones recognizing the PA epitope from the Dash et al. 2017 study.


Information on how to convert tcrdist1 clones files can be found in tcrdist1 to tcrdist2, and more information on input data format can be found in Inputs.

The file can be downloaded directly (dash.csv 375KB).

tcrdist2_df = pd.read_csv("dash.csv")
tcrdist2_df = tcrdist2_df[tcrdist2_df.epitope == "PA"].copy()

Pairwise Distance

The user can compute TCR distances using a method from the Dash et al. 2016 paper using tr._tcrdist_legacy_method_alpha_beta() as is shown in the following example. However, tcrdist2 offers a lot of flexibility in the calculation of “tcrdistances,” and the reader is encouraged to consult the Pairwise Distance, Quick-Start Example, and Detailed Example documentation pages for further details.

The steps in the code block below:

  1. Instantiate an instance of TCRrep class as tr.
  2. Infer CDR1, CDR2, and CDR2.5 sequences based on V and Gene
  3. Set index columns. The choice of index columns determines unique clones and also sets which variables remain available to downstream analysis steps.
  4. Based on index columns selected, remove duplicates (duplicates are clones identical across all index columns).
  5. tcrdist.repertoire.TCRrep._tcrdist_legacy_method_alpha_beta() is a convenience function for calculating a legacy TCRdist in the method described by Dash et al. 2017.
  6. Save the alpha- and beta-specific distance matrices for later use (motif finding is based on information from a single chain).
tr = TCRrep(cell_df = tcrdist2_df, organism = "mouse")

tr.infer_cdrs_from_v_gene(chain = 'alpha', imgt_aligned=True)
tr.infer_cdrs_from_v_gene(chain = 'beta',  imgt_aligned=True)

tr.index_cols = ['clone_id', 'subject', 'epitope',
                 'v_a_gene',  'j_a_gene', 'v_b_gene', 'j_b_gene',
                 'cdr3_a_aa', 'cdr3_b_aa',
                 'cdr1_a_aa', 'cdr2_a_aa', 'pmhc_a_aa',
                 'cdr1_b_aa', 'cdr2_b_aa', 'pmhc_b_aa',
                 'cdr3_b_nucseq', 'cdr3_a_nucseq',
                 'va_gene', 'vb_gene',
                 'ja_gene', 'jb_gene']



distA = tr.dist_a
distB = tr.dist_b
assert np.all(((distA + distB) - tr.paired_tcrdist) == 0)


CDR2.5 alpha and CDR2.5 beta, the pMHC-facing loop between CDR2 and CDR3, are referred to in tcrdist2 as pmhc_a and phmc_b, respectively.


If using legacy tcrdist, no further weighting is required. See Pairwise for information on developing a metric with custom weighting each CDR region.


TCRsubset defines a subset of interest. It is common to search for CDR3 motifs among the subset of the data specific to a single epitope.

The steps in the code block below:

  1. Set Some Criteria for the sequences we want to look at.
  2. Select subsets of the original distance matrices
  3. Instantiate an instance of TCRsubset: ts
# 1
criteria = tr.clone_df.epitope == "PA"
clone_df_subset = tr.clone_df[criteria]

# 2
distA_subset = distA.loc[clone_df_subset.clone_id, clone_df_subset.clone_id].copy()
distB_subset = distB.loc[clone_df_subset.clone_id, clone_df_subset.clone_id].copy()

# 3
ts = TCRsubset(clone_df_subset,
             organism = "mouse",
             epitopes = ["PA"],
             epitope = "PA",
             chains = ["A","B"],
             dist_a = distA_subset,
             dist_b = distB_subset)


Search for Motifs

Warning this step can take a long time! Save or serialize results to disk.



Under the hood a class called TCRmotif tcrdist.cdr3_motif.TCRMotif - identifies candidate motifs characteristic of a subset of receptors

If you prefer you can load a previously generated motifs file.

cnames = ["file_type","count", "expect_random","expect_nextgen", "chi_squared", "nfixed",
"showmotif", "num", "othernum", "overlap", "ep", "ab",
"nseqs", "v_rep_counts", "j_rep_counts"]
motif_fn = 'tcrdist/test_files/mouse_pairseqs_v1_parsed_seqs_probs_mq20_clones_cdr3_motifs_PA.log'
x = open(motif_fn, "r").readlines()
ts.motif_df = pd.DataFrame([l.split() for l in x], columns = cnames)

Evaluating and Visualizing Motifs

Here is code to plot the first few motif_logos from the TCRsubet.motif_df DataFrame.

motif_list = list()
motif_logos = list()
for i,row in ts.motif_df.iterrows():
    StoreIOMotif_instance = ts.eval_motif(row)
    motif_logos.append(plot_pwm(StoreIOMotif_instance, create_file = False, my_height = 200, my_width = 600))
    if i > 1:

Here we plot the first of the motif logos stored in motif_logos.


The underlying data structures used to make these plots can be accessed in motif_list. For example, StoreIOMotif_instance.entropy contains the position-wise matrices. See and See for more details.


Without a loop any row of the TCRsubset.motif_df can be plot. For example, row 87:

i = 87
row = ts.motif_df.iloc[i,:].to_dict()
StoreIOMotif_instance = ts.eval_motif(row)
svg = plot_pwm(StoreIOMotif_instance, create_file = False, my_height = 200, my_width = 600)

Putting it All Together

Here is all the code in one place for copying and pasting into your workflow.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tcrdist as td
import IPython

from tcrdist import mappers
from tcrdist.repertoire import TCRrep
from tcrdist.cdr3_motif import TCRMotif
from tcrdist.subset import TCRsubset
from import StoreIOMotif, StoreIOEntropy
from tcrdist.plotting import plot_pwm

tcrdist_clone_fn = 'mouse_pairseqs_v1_parsed_seqs_probs_mq20_clones.tsv'
tcrdist_clone_df = pd.read_csv(tcrdist_clone_fn, sep = "\t")               #1

ind = (tcrdist_clone_df.epitope == "PA") | (tcrdist_clone_df.epitope == "F2")
tcrdist_clone_df = tcrdist_clone_df[ind].copy()

mapping = mappers.tcrdist_clone_df_to_tcrdist2_mapping                     #3
tcrdist2_df = mappers.generic_pandas_mapper(df = tcrdist_clone_df,         #4
                                          mapping = mapping)

tr = TCRrep(cell_df = tcrdist2_df, organism = "mouse")

tr.infer_cdrs_from_v_gene(chain = 'alpha', imgt_aligned=True)
tr.infer_cdrs_from_v_gene(chain = 'beta',  imgt_aligned=True)

tr.index_cols = ['clone_id', 'subject', 'epitope',
               'v_a_gene',  'j_a_gene', 'v_b_gene', 'j_b_gene',
               'cdr3_a_aa', 'cdr3_b_aa',
               'cdr1_a_aa', 'cdr2_a_aa', 'pmhc_a_aa',
               'cdr1_b_aa', 'cdr2_b_aa', 'pmhc_b_aa',
               'cdr3_b_nucseq', 'cdr3_a_nucseq',
               'va_countreps', 'ja_countreps',
               'vb_countreps', 'jb_countreps',
               'va_gene', 'vb_gene',
               'ja_gene', 'jb_gene']



distA = tr.dist_a
distB = tr.dist_b
assert np.all(((distA + distB) - tr.paired_tcrdist) == 0)

# 1
criteria = tr.clone_df.epitope == "PA"
clone_df_subset = tr.clone_df[criteria]

# 2
distA_subset = distA.loc[clone_df_subset.clone_id, clone_df_subset.clone_id].copy()
distB_subset = distB.loc[clone_df_subset.clone_id, clone_df_subset.clone_id].copy()

# 3
ts = TCRsubset(clone_df_subset,
           organism = "mouse",
           epitopes = ["PA"],
           epitope = "PA",
           chains = ["A","B"],
           dist_a = distA_subset,
           dist_b = distB_subset)

# Do this if you want to find motifs from scratch:
# ts.find_motif()
# ts.motif_df.write_csv("ts.motif_df_filesavedfornextime.csv")

# Do this if you already have a motifs file:
cnames = ["file_type","count", "expect_random","expect_nextgen", "chi_squared", "nfixed",
"showmotif", "num", "othernum", "overlap", "ep", "ab",
"nseqs", "v_rep_counts", "j_rep_counts"]
motif_fn = 'mouse_pairseqs_v1_parsed_seqs_probs_mq20_clones_cdr3_motifs_PA.log'
x = open(motif_fn, "r").readlines()
ts.motif_df = pd.DataFrame([l.split() for l in x], columns = cnames)

motif_list = list()
motif_logos = list()
for i,row in ts.motif_df.iterrows():
  StoreIOMotif_instance = ts.eval_motif(row)
  motif_logos.append(plot_pwm(StoreIOMotif_instance, create_file = False, my_height = 200, my_width = 600))
  if i > 2:


i = 87
row = ts.motif_df.iloc[i,:].to_dict()
StoreIOMotif_instance = ts.eval_motif(row)
svg = plot_pwm(StoreIOMotif_instance, create_file = False, my_height = 200, my_width = 600)